PGDM - Sustain in the corporate world with the PGDM course

Today we are going to discuss some work ethics that you should follow in order to avoid troubles. Have a good morning and please stand up. Good morning everyone, I am your professor for this class and I will be teaching you the basics en route to becoming a star in the corporate world. Today we shall be talking about work ethics. Yes, modern day organizations are more structured than ever before but there are still certain social norms and values that have not changed over the years. Follow these wherever you go and whatever organization you join, from an MNC to a start-up or your own company, these concepts will always come handy

How are you going to apply all these knowledge in your job?

The next step is to apply the knowledge in your job. You should have a good understanding of the topic and be able to apply what you have learnt from the books in your daily life. You should also be able to use it in your job, so that no matter how hard it gets or when things don't go well for you, you still know how to deal with them and come out on top!

Who to deal with?

  • You should know how to deal with your coworkers, superiors, juniors and clients.
  • You should know how to deal with the boss.
  • You should know how to deal with your colleagues.
  • You should also be able to communicate effectively with clients and other people who work for you in a professional manner at all time

Your behavior will be judged

  • You should be aware of the impression you are creating. You don't want to get a bad reputation.
  • You should be aware of what people think about you and how they perceive you.
  • You should also be aware that your behavior can affect others in a subtle way, even if it wasn't your intention at all!

Work ethics that you should follow

Today we are going to discuss some work ethics that you should follow in order to avoid troubles. Here are some of the things that you should avoid:

  • Being late
  • Not being honest and not telling the truth, if asked by your boss or colleagues. If you have an answer for something, then give it! You don't want people knowing about your wrongdoings because then they'll think that you're a troublemaker and not trustworthy anymore. So if someone asks for information about something which is related to their job, then give them what they need as quickly as possible so there won't be any problems later on down the road when their trust in you has been lost entirely due to this incident alone (which would probably happen eventually).

Have a good morning and please stand up.

  • Stand up when someone enters the room.
  • Stand up when someone is leaving the room.
  • Stand up when someone is talking to you in a meeting, especially if they give you a compliment or thank-you note later on down the line (this can happen!).

Good morning everyone, I am your professor for this class and I will be teaching you the basics en route to becoming a star in the corporate world.

In this course we will learn how to increase our ability to communicate effectively by using body language, pattern matching and listening skills. We will also be learning how to apply these skills when dealing with people from different cultures or backgrounds.

This course is an introduction into self-development through learning about yourself as well as others around you. It's about finding out what makes us unique so that we can become who we want without fear of judgment from others; this helps us move forward confidently towards achieving our goals!

Work ethics

Today we shall be talking about work ethics. Yes, modern day organizations are more structured than ever before but there are still certain social norms and values that have not changed over the years. Work ethics are important because they help you become a better person and employee as well as leader.

Work ethics can be defined as “the quality of being honest and industrious” or simply put "honesty at work". The term is used to describe the behavior patterns of individuals in a particular organization; it also refers to their personal integrity at work (McGinnies).

Concepts that will always come handy

In a corporate world, where people are always looking for the next promotion or better job opportunities, it is essential that you have good work ethics.

Work ethics are the core of your personality and they form who you are as an individual. When people around you see that you have strong work ethics, they will also follow suit because they want to be like you.

Work ethics help keep everyone together in an organization because everyone needs each other for success. If someone has bad work ethic then there may be friction between him/her and his/her colleagues which can cause problems at work place itself or even at home too!

Are there any questions? Let's start then!

Before we begin, I want to be clear: no matter how much you may want to ask a question that has already been answered or one that is not relevant to the topic at hand, do not do so. The reason why this is important is because it will make the rest of your time spent on this course less enjoyable for everyone involved. This can also lead to poor communication between peers and instructors which will make learning more difficult for everyone involved in this course (except for maybe yourself).

The best way I've found for avoiding these kinds of mistakes when answering questions is simply by asking yourself if there might be an alternative way around it before answering any questions at all - even if they seem straightforward enough on their face; often times there are hidden gems buried within seemingly simple statements such as "What did glass manufacture?"

Maintain good work ethics for better performance

You need to be on time and punctual. This is a habit that can help you in the long run, as it will make your work more efficient and faster. Honesty is also an important aspect of maintaining good work ethics. If you tell lies or don't perform your duties well, it reflects badly on yourself and the company. You should always try to do things according to what's expected from you because this way people will respect your abilities and trustworthiness as well. It's also good if someone feels comfortable talking with each other without any hesitation or tension because this shows that everyone has been accepted by one another which makes their team work more smoothly together towards achieving their goals together as a team member!

Being responsible means taking care of things like deadlines when working on projects at home or even while travelling abroad during vacation periods; being respectful means knowing how much space someone needs around them while working so they won't feel claustrophobic; being grateful implies thanking people who help out whenever possible - whether they're friends at school/college etc.


No matter what kind of job you have, there are always going to be situations where you are expected to do things that may not be in accordance with your morals or ethics. This is something that each individual must learn how to deal with and manage their emotions when faced with such situations.